Something positive:
I "no heat curled" my hair today. First of all, it took me like 5 minutes. It's the cutest hairstyle I've ever seen. When I take out the headband, I'm going to have baby ringlets. Perfect baby ringlets. Without heat. Jamie and Tori pulled this off and I finally tried it. In. love. AND. Evan had his draft order party something something today at Walmart. They had to go get two pre chosen items and check out. And that's their order for picking players for their draft. One of Evan's items was this tube of hot pink lipstick and I'm kind of in love. I wore red lipstick (for the first time out and about!!!) to my friend's wedding last night and loved it. But this pink? So fun. And I've been wearing it for 4 hours and it doesn't peel, chip, dry out, or flake off. I'm a fan. Now if the lipstick company would like to pay me for such a nice plug, tha'dbegreat.
But. I need to rant for two minutes.
Can you even believe how rude some people are?
This is me being really mad at everyone right now.
First, I had this gigantic, terrifying bug bite on my arm. I got bit sitting in the grass at a BBQ for our friend moving to Asia to be amazing. It was a normal mosquito bite that turned into this at 8:30 the next morning:
Gross. That's a dime by the way. I don't think bug bites should ever be larger than a dime. That is covering the entire inside of my arm. I also had not scratched it at all. It did that on it's own. WebMD said it was cellulitis and it was going to make me go blind and brain dead. So I left work early to go to Same Day Care to make sure my entire body wasn't infected (since obvi my arm is). I called first to see how long the wait was so I could maybe take my lunch accordingly and the lady was SO. MEAN. "We no longer give wait times because it can change drastically in no time. Bye." click.
As I'm opening my mouth to say that I understand, I'm not going to hold her accountable I'm just trying to make it work with my job, she hangs up on me. Hi. When you work in a profession where you have to deal with people, you need to be nice. You need to be respectful. You need to be courteous. I'm not above complaining because I pay your paycheck when I come in. And guess what, lady? Do you know who my mom is? Nick Wolters owes her his life, so you better not cross my path.
Second, the doctor who saw me was no help whatsoever. "Go in the grass and see if you can find what bit you." Yes. Because it's still going to be there. And when it is I'm going to.....what, exactly? (Same crazy doctor who lied to my throat doctor when I had my tonsils out. I cannot stand him.) He gave me a prescription for an oral cortisone. I'm allergic to topical cortisone so that makes a lot of sense. I had to call the allergy department before I filled the prescription because I have an allergist appointment on Tuesday and I'm not allowed to have any medicine until then. When I called
that lady she was even ruder than the Same Day lady. She acted like I was the biggest waste of her time and my simple question was the stupidest question she'd ever been asked.
I'm sorry I'm trying to prepare for my appointment so I don't waste your time. I hope she's the nurse on Tuesday because I'm over rude people and I'm letting her know.
That's not all. Today we went to Farmer's Market and we took the dogs because obviously. We are walking along, minding our own business when this man came up to us and shoved his finger in Evan's face. Evan was like "what." (Not a question. He was mad.) And the guy was like "get your dogs on the sidewalk." All rude and nasty.
Apparently it's now a city ordinance that you can't take your dogs to Farmer's Market. Ok. That is fine. But you better put up a sign where I can see it and not on a sticky note on the barricade. When I don't even walk by the barricade to get in. And don't be rude. If you "advertise" that you can't bring your dogs, take into consideration that not everyone listens to the radio, reads the paper, or watches TV. I do none of those things, ignore my BA in mass comm please. The guy brought me to tears because he was so rude first thing in my morning. (I'm writing a letter of complaint.)
To make my day even better, I read the meanest thing I've seen in a long time that has been weighing heavily on my heart all day. Evan says I read too much into things. But not this time. He agrees with me. And I'm so glad I have him to live this life with. Because gosh. Sometimes it's just hard. Sometimes, you just need a tube of hot pink lipstick to brighten your day, because everything else is going to just tear you down.