Sunday, August 14, 2011

Week of Thanks Week Thirty One

287. Sunset chasing with my husband.

288. Sing-a-longs with the hubs. You should hear us. We're great.

289. Girl talk. And being segregated like a high school dance. Hi Ashley, Libby, Carly <3

290. Being married one year. Equals adoption application starting soon. Oh. My. Gosh. I can't even.

291. Food cooked over an open fire. Always tastes better. Food also tastes better outside miles and miles away from home.

292. Real friends.

293. Being prayed over. Every single time, it's always one of the greatest moments of my life.

294. No heat curl! I'm obsessed.

295. Making Evan pee his pants.  "That was a lot." ......."of person?" bahaha. You had to be there. I'm hilarious.

296. Being only two months from our leap of faith. I could not be more excited for fall and this new chapter in our lives!

6 loves:

  1. waitwaitwait. adoption????????

    oh wait, i forgot to put the right amount of question marks.


  2. @Suzy-YES!!!!!! (x's a million !'s!) We work at an orphanage in Ethiopia, where we fell in love with so many kids. BUT they're not adoptable. We want to have our own, too. But we want to be a forever family for children from anywhere that don't have families. And you have to be married for at least a year (sometimes 2) to even begin the application process. So...yay!

  3. that is so cool!!!!! you're going to be a mom!!!!

  4. Ok these are always the sweetest posts. Live.
    And adoption?! Yay! That's the coolest ever! Do excited for you two on thus incredible journey! It's such a blessing that Evan is on board with completing your family this way--I haven't quite convinced Chris yet, but that's God's work, really, so it's all hood ;)
    My family adopted twice from China. Such great blessings to us, love my baby sisters

  5. @Suzy- Thanks! We are so excited!
    @Sarah-your sister's are the cutest! I can't remember the first time we talked about adoption but it's something i've wanted to do forever, and to have evan feel the same is so amazing. such a strong part of our relationship. i hope Chris comes along, if that's His will, but either way, everything will work out!

  6. I loved our girl talk! Also, I loved how we were basically the life at the party at the wedding and that we ended up pretty much separating into groups like a high school dance...again. Except this time, instead of boys and girls hanging out separately, it was the cool kids who could dance a normal amount of crazy (us) and the lame-os who danced a little too intensely for our liking :) Fun.

