Tuesday, March 12, 2013

bits & pieces:: a baby mobile

the nursery is pretty much done. we have a few finishing touches to add here and there but the baby will survive without those final things. so, until we have the room 100% complete, i'll be sharing some bits & pieces and little DIYs that we've done to make this room extra, extra special.

first up: our baby mobile.

i've had these paper cranes left over from my wedding & they desperately needed a home. i knew we would do something with them involving some type of mobile or decoration but don't ever google "origami crane mobile" or you will be devastatingly overwhelmed. also, i had a limited supply and color pallet and i suppose i could have folded some more but let's be honest about how likely i am to do that. i had too many ideas in my brain until i finally found this pin on pinterest (and her entire nursery is A MA ZING, especially the before and after pictures). the sticks were my favorite part about hers and i spent a good little while trying to find sturdy sticks in my yard that weren't half demolished by our dogs. i had no idea how well the sticks would match our curtains and i love that.

this was maybe the easiest project i've ever completed. i got in a fight with the sticks being uneven and not cooperating, but we knocked this project out in a few hours. i threaded some fishing wire through the cranes and tied a knot below them to hold them into place. evan was in charge of tying the wire to the sticks which was an obnoxious and tedious task and why he did it and not me. we hung it in the corner of the room, right in front of the all the amazing light this room gets (totally jealous about that).

i am so blessed to have a husband who has no problem with my DIYs and is eager and willing to help. and also willing to climb on a ladder to screw in the hook to hang this (i hate ladders) and also willing to hold it up all over the room until we found the perfect spot for it to live. my guy is seriously the best.

2 loves:

  1. I love the wall color and the curtains! Can't wait to see the rest of the room :) getting close!

    1. thank you! the walls turned out more blue than i had wanted but i love them now with all the stuff in there. and the curtains are so much fun! ikea has the best stuff. if only there was one here!

