Friday, June 26, 2015

[06/12] round two

The story about this photo is that I forgot the piece that connects my camera to my tripod. Okay, I didn't technically forget it because I brought it. But it was the wrong tripod piece. So, we found ourselves on top of a windy mountain, in the middle of a field of wildflowers without a tripod. So, Evan rigged up a tripod with my camera bag and a giant bush and we made it work. We had a fussy two-year-old who was all about lunch and not about pictures. It's what happens when you rush out of the house and grab three water bottles but zero snacks. Everyone was hangry at this point and it was windy and my dress was short. Bad combo if you ask me slash the thirty cars I probably flashed. But Montana. This is an hour and a half from our house. I could not possibly ask for a better state to live in. A lake plus wildflowers plus mountains all in one day. Thanks, Montana. We love you.

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