Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Maddox Currently

Maddox is currently 17 months and he...

Shakes his head no. Possibly my new favorite talent that Maddox can do. If you ask him a yes or no question he will always, always shake his head no. And sometimes it is accompanied by a "Ni, ni, ni." Which is his very adorable way of saying "no."

Climbs in chairs and sits like a big boy. At some point over the last few weeks, Maddox has learned that climbing in chairs and sitting like a big boy is the bees knees. And so, every chair that he sees he must sit in. It really doesn't matter if it's an arm chair or a folding chair or a chair that is slightly too high off the ground--this little monkey will grab hold and squirm his way into the chair and pull himself up by his teeth if he has to. Then he flips around and sits on his bottom, looks at me and lets out one laugh: the loudest, cutest "AH HA!" And gives the biggest grin for his accomplishment. 

Cuddles. There was a point in time where this little love was over any and all cuddles. It broke my heart for a few minutes but now he's back at it. Maybe it's the new teeth he's getting or the fact that he wasn't feeling well a few weeks ago. Whatever it is, if you ask him for a cuddle, he'll run up to you and wrap his arms around your neck and lay his head on your shoulder and sit with you for minutes on end. He's fallen asleep on both Evan and I in the past week this way and it's almost like having a new born and I am seriously not complaining.

Loves "This little piggy..." This is his very favorite game to play. Ever. In the history of the world. I do it one time and this kid signs "more! more! more!" over and over again until I've literally said "this little piggy" four hundred and nine times and he's still not over it. I like it switch it up a little bit because one can only handle it so many times but it really is his very favorite. It's so much his favorite that if he's in the mood for some toe tickles, he will come up to my bare feet and grab my big toes and say, "Diiiiiiis! Diiiiiiiis!" until I tell him the story of his little piggies.

Has stinky piggies. I bought Maddox some Keen sandals at the beginning of the summer. And those things reek. I mean, I did not know that baby shoes could smell so rank. But they can. And so, we started smelling his feet and saying, "PEEEEE YOOOOU!" And now if we say, "Maddox, do you have stinky piggies?" He sticks his foot in the air or in our faces and about dies of laughter when we say, "PEEE YOU!" But seriously guys, they stink.

Insists on feeding himself. There is hardly any meal where Maddox isn't in charge of his own spoon and/or fork. Things get slightly messy around here so I try and stick to finger foods that are easily cleaned off of baby, high chair, floor and me. Ha.

Knows what sounds a... cat says (more like "mow" and less like "meow"). A crocodile/gator chomps (he claps his hands together. It's adorable.). Roars like a bear (which sounds eerily similar to a lion).

Signs: "More." Has mastered "thank you." We're working on "you're welcome."

New words: Baaah! (Ball).

1 loves:

  1. awww what an cutey.. I loove the storys of hes life.. hesss sooo smart with that game.. I use to love it to... this little piggy... good job teaching him signing, I use to also do that too.. I might come to billings mt.. in oct 17 thu 19 i hope to try to see you guys!! :)

