Thursday, April 24, 2014

4/12 (a year of dates)

I really, really, really wanted to get creative with these dates. To, like, not do dinner each month. I mean, eating is fine, great really, but I wanted to experience all the things that my town has to offer that aren't fancy pants restaurants. And perhaps those fun things will come but somehow it is already the end of April and we realized that the date we had originally planned involved proper outdoor weather and this weekend calls for rain, rain and some more rain and then that's it for April.

So, we took the open window, which was a Wednesday night, dropped the babe at the grandparent's house and went to a fancy pants restaurant for free because Evan won a gift card for being amazing at sports and winning his office March Madness bracket.

Sidebar: The rule is that Evan is allowed to play whatever sports thing he wants to--Fantasy Football, March Madness Brackets, et cetera. But if there is money involved he has to win. He HAS TO win. That's the rule. Not because I care about the buy in but because I take a cut of that winning and make him take me to dinner or buy me a new pair of shoes with it. I have got this thing figured out. Basically: If you can't beat them, join them. He's not going to stop being obsessed with sports, so I'm just going to tack on a little bit of shopping and call it even steven.

But back to our date. It wasn't anything special but I had been looking forward to it for a while. April sped by so fast and with Evan gone for the first week, I felt like we really especially needed a date to get back into the swing of things. Because we're still coming down from vacation highs over here. Like how the suitcase is still in the laundry room with like a pair of shoes and headband in it and I just don't have it in me to put it away even though it's taking up valuable floor space.

What I'm saying is, I needed out of the house for a minute. And also a beer.

I got both of those things. On a Wednesday.

I like weeknight dating.

2 loves:

  1. You guys are just too cute! Love your outfit! And go Evan for winning! That winning system, Larisaa--FLAWLESS

    1. right? i have it down to a serious science. ;]

