Sunday, July 8, 2012

two years, part I;

it's my anniversary week, y'all! i just want to take a moment and try to wrap my mind around the fact that this is my second anniversary. SECOND. what the what. how does that happen? i think that anniversaries should also be required to always land on weekends. this "i have to work on my anniversary" crap is stupid. i've also never shared any of my wedding pictures on my blog before. so, here y'all go. i'm going to go put my dress on and watch my wedding video and stuff my face with anniversary cake. you know, if anyone needs me or anything.

those bridesmaids? love them so much. also, if allie would have dyed her hair brown we could have been quadruplets and that would have been fun.

this picture is the best. i absolutely adore all of the candid shots my photographer captured. especially how jamie and my mom are so serious and i'm having the time of my life. story of my life. i'm totally always inappropriately reacting to every situation. I WAS THE BRIDE, I CAN LAUGH AND BE OUTRAGEOUS IF I WANT. and i realize my hair looks like it has some giant rat's nest sticking out the back, but that's actually erin's rat nest. also, erin would totally caption this picture "can you open your mouth a little bigger?"

my mom and i made our programs and since it was outside in july we decided fans would be necessary. it was probably the most time consuming project, but i loved the way they turned out.
my faithful MOH folded me approximately a kajillion oragami cranes. 1000 cranes at your wedding is good luck and i was all, "i don't need a thousand cranes. that's a bit much." but guess what. i had like 9 times that.

we had a candy table and the yummiest chocolate raspberry cake that sadly was not good after it was frozen for a year. our cake topper was supposed to sit on the top tier and hang over the side, this super cute couple cuddling (awwww) but the weather was too hot. our cake was on the verge of melting so our topper almost fell off several times so we opted against it in case of a catastrophe. thus, the flowers. which was fine. biggest wedding lesson: COMPROMISE.

i just love this picture. they have such a great relationship, these two.

my bouquet, I KNOW. i still have it, too. dried and perfect. it was literally everything i wanted in my flowers. i found it a picture in a magazine and they did the best job recreating it. hydrangeas? favorite flower. and my dress. love. except for how it's too big. the sides of the corset are NOT supposed to be touching. but good job to me for losing too much weight, i guess? except for when i had to pull my dress up all night long. least it was pretty. ;]

check back tomorrow for part II.

12 loves:

  1. Larissa, I absolutely LOVED seeing these photos.
    They are completely brightened my day, and I hope you two have the most lovely two year wedding anniversary.

    I want to see more photos of your pretty self as a bride!! <3

  2. Happy Anniversary!!!!! YAY! Thanks for sharing your beautiful wedding photos....they are GORGEOUS!! Love your bouquet...hydrangeas were my wedding flower. LOVE.

    Have a wonderful week!! xx

    1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! It's going to be a good week, I just know it. Hydrangeas are just gorgeous and I love that you had them, too! =]

  3. Thank you. Thank you for the rat nest comment. head was bleeding at that me a little why don't you! OPEN YOUR MOUTH A LITTLE WIDER B. ♥

    1. Shut it. I'm hilarious and you know it. Clap your hands. Sorry about your brain. But I love you, BBE. Best bridesmaid errrr.

  4. ADORE the picture of you laughing.

  5. Larissa just stop. These photos. Parts 1-3...all of them. You're killing me with how BEAUTIFUL your wedding was. How FREAKINGORGEOUS the two of you are. Just stop.

    And by stop I mean absolutely do not because the world needs more couples like you guys! Congratulations on two years ladybird!

    1. haha JUST STOP. and by that i mean keep going. ;] you're so adorable. i just like you.

      thank you thank you thank you for your kind kind kind comment. you're so sweet. <3

  6. Such pretty details! And I love how much fun you are having in these pictures! Totally appropriate! You can tell u were having the time of your life on your day! Love the pics of both your moms! So sweet! Goodness your wedding was so lovely!

    1. Hahaha I was having the time of my life! That's for sure! =] those mom pictures make me super happy!

