Tuesday, May 8, 2012


/i made THIS for my dinner tonight. this is going to become a regular meal in our house when summer rolls around and we are up to our eyeballs in tomatoes.

other exciting things:
/new friends like the loveliest CARA. who sent me a birthday card and a letter and now we're pen pals. and i haven't had a penpal since like, the 3rd grade. i'm all about making my own envelops out of the piles of martha stewart magazines i've been hoarding for something special (this, obviously) and painting water color hearts all over another envelop because i think it's illegal to not have a cute envelope.
/finishing two book in a week and onto a 3rd.
/tulips from my husband because we forgot about birthday tulips.

/lunch dates with the husband who now has 12:00 lunch. i love these dates.
/forward movement.
/birthday present from my mom: original blue tinted ball jars with solar lights in the lids. let's pause and discuss how amazing this is and how it's basically a night light for grownups. love.

i'm kind of in love with may. it's always the best month. life is good and i'm so happy and so content and so blessed.

9 loves:

  1. I love that you tried out the tomatoes! Aren't they delicious? I don't even like tomatoes very much and I wanted to eat the whole plateful.
    Also, two books in one week sounds like an amazing week to me :)

    1. I love that you posted it on your blog! I love love love love love tomatoes. Favorite food, ever. So I did eat the whole plate ;] they didn't have a very tomato-y flavor, though. The cheese and pesto balanced everything out. But seriously, so good!

  2. May is definitely an awesome month.
    That ball jar is AMAZING! Those stuffed tomatoes look so good and those flowers are breathtaking.

    Go you on finish 2 books in one week!

    1. Isn't it?! It was my grandma's and then my mom's and now mine. It's the coolest now because of the lid. I'm trying to decide if I could plant a succulent in it, or if I should use them as centerpieces on my patio. Decisions decisions.
      Aren't those flowers amazing? I love tulips. And that color. I know we discussed that. But. So pretty.

  3. Wow, this is sweet. I love the jars and the tulips! Also, pen pals are the bestest. May is one of my favourite months too.

  4. Oh my word those stuffed tomatos sounds so good! I'm going to have to make sure I pick up some tomatos next time I go to the store so I can give these a go. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. They're amazing! I keep thinking about them all day but they're all gone now. I didn't even share with my husband, which is unfortunate. Sorry for him.

      I hope you like them!

