Wednesday, March 7, 2012

of all the awkward

this is my very first ever, ever ever vlog. i used to be anti videos when people posted them on their blog because i don't have time to sit here and watch crap. i can read like 3431 words a minute so stick to your regularly scheduled programming. but then i realized that you can totally see how blogger are IRL. so fun. so i'm vlogging for the first time ever. it's probably going to turn me into one of those crazy 14-year-old girls who have a youtube channel and talk about how much they love bath and body works and justin beiber. like, omg.

youtube is totally not helping my awkwardness. they let me pick which thumbnail i wanted. out of three. three faces i'm pretty positive i didn't make, and if i do, someone slap me for looking like such a tool.

and this is amber. read her blog, watch her vlogs, she's the best.

(find my instagram: larisaacook.)

13 loves:

  1. You are the cutest awkward person ever. xoxo

  2. you are so cute! i love your vlog. it feels like i'm meeting you for the first time IRL. hahaha

    that waitress sounds like a beeyotch. i wouldn't go back there for sure.

    PS please vlog more :)

  3. Seriously adorable!
    You're funny, by the way, in a total good way.

  4. Thanks Katie and Danielle! So glad you'll still be my friends <3. Katie, I'm not toning down the awkward for our first IRL meeting. Fair warning.

  5. This is NOT what I expected you to sound like? Mind blown. I don't even remember what you actually talked about because I'm so focused on what you sound like?

  6. @courtney-hahaha good or bad?! What did you think I would sound like?

  7. So. We need to smack some bitches around and teach them a lesson or two about how not to mess with you? Cheeeeeeeeeeck.

  8. @erin-agreed! You should see my outtakes. At one point I was like "ERIIIIIN come teach me to be a bitch!" hahaha but seriously.

  9. I'm super awkward too. :) Isn't Amber great? I figured out your club hehehe I feel so conspicipous.

  10. I know I texted you this.. but holy moly, this made me love you even more.
    Youre sorta my favorite. Best bodyguard everrrr!

  11. Ok.. so I neeeeeed to see you in action, but cannot play this video right now.. my husband is trying to sleep and I don't have headphones.. I could just watch it and mute it but then I think my "first impression" of you would be skewed.. So I'm going to wake up early tomorrow and hopefully watch this first thing! I'm dead serious! I must must hear what you sound like!

    Janette the Jongleur

    PS. Have you seen me vlog? It's alright.. Nothing spectacular...I mumble a lot.. Boo.

  12. @amber-youre my very favoritest <3
    @janette-I haven't! I'll creep on your blog to find it soon! Haha yay for vlogging! Its fun!

  13. Um yeah so I just now watched this because I'm lame like that, but you are adorable!
    Andddd I kinda wanna punch that girl in the face for you but I'm the same way. I get super flustered when people are mean to me so I'd be the worst bodygard ever, but in my head I'd totally be thinking mean thoughts for you! LOL

