Sunday, October 18, 2015

Things Maddox Says V.3

Less than a month and I have a whole handful of goodies from this little love. He talks nonstop and if you don't respond immediately, he'll just continue to say or ask over and over and over and over and over until you acknowledge him. But. He's SO funny. Evan and I are constantly dying over the little things he says and I'm cherishing these moments that he still says "mine" instead of "my" ("mine shoes," for example) because pretty soon it won't be as cute and he'll have to talk properly and I'll miss these baby words. But until then, here are some goodies as of late.

"How many times did you go to the church today?"-Evan
"Too much."-Maddox

"Where mine timeout at?"-Maddox
(we updated him to a big boy bed and that was the first thing out of his mouth when he saw that his crib was gone. someone probably spent a little too much time in timeout.)

"We do not do that! Go put yourself in timeout!"-Evan
"No, thank you."-Maddox
(update: Evan couldn't stop laughing and therefore no timeout was had.)

"Mom go Guacamole?"-Maddox
"No, I'm not going to Guatemala. Do you want me to go to Guatemala?"-me
"Yeah. I stay at Grandma's house."-Maddox

"I hurt mine ankle. I need to go to docker's office."-Maddox

"Did you tell daddy that we shared a pizza today?"-me
"You did? What kind of pizza?"-Evan
"No type."-Maddox

"Maddox, say, 'Racoon.'"-Evan

"I go in bathtub, get mine booty wet."-Maddox

"Hi Grandpa, Grandma and Bay. Doin? Makin soup? See you later."-Maddox, pretending to talk on the phone.

"Where's Grandma?"-Evan
"In Afrita."-Maddox

"What's dat?"-Maddox
"A triangle."-me
"Oh. I yuv dat triangle."-Maddox

"Dis piggy went market. Dis piggy wee wee wee wee. Dis piggy eat roast beef. Dis piggy eat dirt. Dis piggy eat dirt too." -Maddox


"I'm cleanin up dis wall. Some poop and some cheese on it."-Maddox

Also noteworthy: Says "veggies" sounds like "butt cheese."

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