Saturday, November 5, 2011

50 books for 2011

21. The Murderer's Daughters by Randy Susan Meyers

i think this has been my favorite book this year. i cried so much and told evan, "this book is so, so sad. but i love it." i could not put it down and i had to force myself to stop reading before my trip so i'd have some good plane material. it was consistently amazing through the entire book. and it was one of those books that make me feel like a loser for not writing it first. i don't usually reread books but this one is going back on my list. if you're looking for a book to read...this one. seriously.

22. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs.

this was a free book from amazon and i am so intrigued by the civil war and early southern american history, this immediately grabbed my attention. it's a "classic" which can sometimes tend to be dry and boring, but i was enthralled the entire way through. and also embarrassed by my race. i'm not kidding, people can be disgusting.

23. Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

another freebie. and i'd never read it. loved. just like the movie, too! baha jk. seriously, i think lewis carroll might be a genius.
so i didn't make my 5 book mark....but i think i did pretty good for having a bed time of 8:30 and having basically no free time whatsoever. i may or may not have been a part of a wine party on our plane ride home so that might have taken up a good portion of my plane allotted reading time. ahem.

4 loves:

  1. Thanks for the recommendation, will buy The Murderer's Daughter on pay day :-)

  2. I'm happy you finally read Alice and Loved it! I may be due for another reading of it... it's almost a monthly occurance for me.

  3. I need to force myself to read again. I used to be addicted and read every single day. Then SOMEONE COUGH COUGH introduced me to blogger, so I spend my time reading blogs instead of books! Sucks. That book that you just bought that I'm currently reading? Yeah, I've been currently reading it for like 6 months and i'm only halfway through. It's soooo good too! haha. Anyway, I must read The Murder's Daughter. I love a good sad book.

  4. fun goal!
    i'm hoping to read a book a week in 2012. : )

